Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Upon meeting The Steve

** As requested by the man himself **

Crash! Bang! Boom! In arrives The Steve. I was sitting in the living room watching a movie when he made his entrance. Just back from a football game, he was charged with energy and before any introductions could be made he swiftly attacked a blow-up Homer doll. Why two grown men would have a blow up doll of a male tv character is beyond me, but as they say “men are from Mars”… Anyhow, after the brawl with the giant inflated Homer I was introduced to the man that I had heard so much about. “This is Stephanie.” “This is Steve”. “Hi.” “Hi.” I didn’t really know what to expect when I met him, but I knew that he would be loud. And he lived up to that expectation when he sang along to “Afternoon Delight” from The Anchorman.

Steve has “shit disturber” written on his forehead so I was expecting to be teased a bit. And I was. But only a bit. A few South Park and Celine Dion questions related to Canada in the cab to Wolverhampton was the extent of it. From the look on Chris’s face, however, I could tell he was expecting far worse. I was expecting something like “You do maths for a living right? What is 8347581437 times 897867?” or “So Steph, how many people have you had sex with and rank your favourite positions?” or “In 10 seconds, why didn’t Canada support the war in Iraq?”. What I got was pretty easy.

Don’t think, however, that The Steve is all “shit disturber”. While I got a bit of gentle teasing, he was also really nice and asked genuine questions about where I am from. He also texted his well wishes to me, Chris, Nick and Jen onto the screen at the club we went to that night. Considering he had only known me for a few hours I thought this last gesture was quite sweet.

Chris warned me that meeting The Steve was an experience and he was certainly right.


Blogger Stephanie said...

Perhaps loud wasn't the right word. I just knew that you weren't going to be meek or mild.

I am sure you were genuinely interested. And that's the thing, you were so nice. You made me feel very welcome and I sincerely appreciated that.

A review of meeting me? As you said, it is strange how others perceive you and. While I am curious, I think that I would rather hear it from you rather than have it broadcast on the internet. I'm too shy for that.

5:00 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

And just in case it wasn't made clear, it was a real pleasure meeting you. :)

5:01 AM  

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